
not available

ZYNGO™ is the premier skill-oriented game from Second Life now for the Android. All five modes -- Classic, Wyld!, Hunt, Big 2X and Angel -- are available for the Android as well. If you've never played Zyngo before, but you like light games that can fill and idle minute or two, then Zyngo is for you. Like classic bingo, try to match numbers and fill the board. Depending on game mode, you use wild-cards, mine-game clues and other hints for getting high scores.Features include help and guides for all game modes as well as separate high-scores for each.
Second Life is a trademark of Linden Lab.
Numerous knockoffs of Zyngo for handheld devices have appeared in the past. For those concerned about this being another, you know the profile to check in SL. There is a link back to this listing.